Start with Why

Start with Why

As admirers of Simon Sinek’s Start with Why framework, when we formed Dion Leadership, my team spent a lot of time wrestling with that important “why” question. Eventually, the answer to that ultimate question was translated into the banner headline that appears on...

Change Leadership

This course teaches the skills individuals need to navigate and lead others through times of change. Learners will explore the nature of change in the workplace and become aware of their personal styles and tendencies when faced with a change situation. They will also...

Coaching Skills for Leaders

A leadership coach is a thinking partner whose specific purpose is to support the development of an individual’s personal and professional potential. The concepts of mindset, trust, and presence are examined in the context of Dion Leadership’s cognitive behavioral...

Collaborating for Organizational Impact

This program explores collaboration in an environment where goals, resources, and responsibilities may align or compete. Our proprietary model presents collaboration as a process, noting how it differs from cooperation and consensus and emphasizing the necessary...