5 Tips for Fighting the Forgetting Curve

5 Tips for Fighting the Forgetting Curve

One of my mom’s trademark phrases when I was growing up was, “You learn something new every day.” If my dad had been Hermann Ebbinghaus, the 19th-century German psychologist, he likely would have added, “Too bad your ability to remember what you learned drops...
Belonging at Work

Belonging at Work

Feeling connected to others is fundamental to our survival as humans. We are not alone. Many species organize in herds, packs, colonies, families, pairs, or some equally critical support system. Simply put, to be, we need to belong. But belong to what? And how...
What Drains Your Company Culture?

What Drains Your Company Culture?

At Dion Leadership we spend a lot of time observing organizational culture and studying how different cultural norms affect individual performance and collective business results. We define culture as the “Way of Life” within an organization. It is the shared...
Start with Why

Start with Why

As admirers of Simon Sinek’s Start with Why framework, when we formed Dion Leadership, my team spent a lot of time wrestling with that important “why” question. Eventually, the answer to that ultimate question was translated into the banner headline that appears on...