Let’s All Lighten Up in 2022!

Let’s All Lighten Up in 2022!

Dion Leadership has decided that 2022 is the year to “lighten up.” No, we don’t mean our intensity in bringing you relevant and timely culture and talent development solutions. And our mission hasn’t changed. We are still committed to helping you create organizations...
New Year, New Leadership Mindset

New Year, New Leadership Mindset

After writing an e-book titled Six Elements of Leadership Mindset with my colleague Terri Schell earlier this year, I gave a couple of presentations on the topic of leadership mindset—one for Training Industry’s Leader Talk series on Modern Leadership Development and...
A Recipe for Leadership Development

A Recipe for Leadership Development

What ingredients do you rely on to make a successful leadership development program? The first and most important item that comes to mind for me is a clear purpose. Specifically, what behaviors do I expect to see more or less of from the leaders who attend the...
Combatting the Great Resignation

Combatting the Great Resignation

I’ve been reading or hearing something about the Great Resignation just about every day lately. Last month CNBC reported that as many as 55% of American workers are likely to be looking for a new job over the next year. Forbes reports that “pandemic burnouts, changing...
Leaders, Don’t Squander This Moment

Leaders, Don’t Squander This Moment

While it may quickly become cliché, it’s nearly impossible to overstate how challenging the last 18 months have been for everyone, including the leaders in our organizations. There was no instruction book for surviving a global pandemic. There was no on-demand...