Accountability at Work

Effective leaders expect accountability in all aspects of employee performance, from day-to-day actions and decisions to the achievement of long-term goals. In this course, participants will examine their current attitudes toward and approaches to accountability,...

Trust-Based Leadership

This comprehensive workshop is designed for front-line and middle managers in leadership positions. This program was created by one of the most influential writers and researchers on trust, Charlie Green. Charlie has written three best-selling books about trust,...

Women’s Leadership Program

Dion Leadership’s Women’s Leadership Program is a multifaceted, cohort-based learning experience that provides targeted opportunities for personal discovery, skill development, and relationship building. Participants gain deep and meaningful insight into their...

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to recognize and manage your feelings and respond to the feelings and behaviors of others. This course presents emotional intelligence as a fundamental element of demonstrating the traits of a leader. Learners explore how...