Understanding Cultures for Effective Communication

This program provides a basic understanding of culture and the specific behaviors that culture affects, particularly in a business setting. Learners will be introduced to the characteristics, values, and behaviors of high-context versus low-context cultures and have the opportunity to practice navigating communication situations with each of these groups. Learners will also learn and apply best practices for effective cross- cultural communication, identify barriers to cross-cultural communication, and reflect on their personal cultural characteristics as well as those of their organization. 


Learners Will:

  • Define culture and describe how culture affects behavior 
  • Compare high-context/relationship-based cultures with low-context/rules-based cultures in a business setting 
  • Explore strategies for effective cross-cultural communication 
  • Explain how respecting cultural differences can lead to a reconciliation of differences 

Why This Matters:

For many businesses, facilities, workers, and customers could be almost anywhere these days. Communication can sometimes be a barrier, not just because of language differences but also because of cultural differences. Insights and strategies that facilitate better cross-cultural communication benefit relationships and productivity. 


Delivery Options:

In-Person: Half day

Live-Online: Two 3-hour instructor-led sessions plus self-paced prework


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