Leading Across Generations

Generational differences can have a great impact upon how workers approach their jobs—and each other. This course explores how these differences affect the behaviors, work habits, values, cultural expectations, and preferences employees of all ages bring to their professions. Activities and insights help learners move beyond stereotypes and labels so they can cultivate a dynamic of inclusiveness and respect for the strengths that workers from all generations bring to the organization. 

Learners Will:

  • Discuss the historical and cultural touchstones that have shaped each generation and how those experiences shape workplace behavior 
  • Examine the various generations found in the modern workplace 
  • Understand the dangers of generalizations, assumptions, and stereotypes 
  • Discuss changes in priorities and sources of motivation throughout an individual’s career arc 
  • Examine ways to leverage individual strengths and values as opportunities 

Why This Matters:

The modern workforce represents five generations, all of whom bring different experiences and values to their work. Increased awareness and sensitivity to generational differences in the workplace improves engagement for workers of all ages, which can result in enhanced innovation, better problem-solving, stronger interpersonal relationships, greater productivity, and higher workforce retention. 

Delivery Options:

In-Person: Half day or full day

Live-Online: Two 2-hour instructor-led sessions


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