
Leaders, Don’t Squander This Moment

A Four-Step Strategy for Winning the Talent War


5 minute read

Dion Leadership-Blog Post-Leader’s, Don’t Squander This Moment
While it may quickly become cliché, it’s nearly impossible to overstate how challenging the last 18 months have been for everyone, including the leaders in our organizations. There was no instruction book for surviving a global pandemic. There was no on-demand training for how to pivot a business to operate remotely, shut down (partially or completely for some time), and solve for supply chain, cash flow, and a host of other thorny business issues. However, many leaders adeptly navigated the complex, foreign, and constantly shifting environment with courage and grace. Leaders rose to the challenge, leaned into the uncertainty and discomfort, mobilized their teams, solved unexpected problems, and in many cases demonstrated deep compassion for their employees.

With new articles and studies about the changing landscape of work appearing almost every day, I continue to think about the role executive leaders need to play to emerge stronger and win against the looming talent crisis. I believe that as we emerge from the pandemic and begin to shape our hybrid workplace, employees have gained a new perspective regarding work-life alignment And are expecting, if not demanding, a new relationship with their physical workspaces.

To attract and retain the best talent, CEOs and leaders will need to understand and respond to the changing expectations of the workforce.


After an insightful lunch with the talent management leaders on this subject, I was motivated to write this article which was just published in Chief Executive.  It offers four strategies for engaging your employees and establishing a healthy post-pandemic organizational culture.

And it may be tempting to delegate the return-to-work plan to HR.  Don’t. I remind leaders that this important task shouldn’t be relegated to HR. The entire executive leadership team needs to come together, get creative, and create a plan that doesn’t leave anyone out. Optimists believe that good things arise from bad situations. There is justice and some poetry from weathering difficult times. However, it takes intentionality, reflection, and courage to rethink and upskill.

We have several management training programs as well as complimentary webinars to help you address the post-pandemic workplace and emerge on the other side with a strong, engaged workforce. Please reach out to me anytime if you’d like to discuss your organization’s approach to leadership development and leadership coaching or other talent retention strategies. I am happy to provide some coaching, recommendations, or perspectives for consideration.

And in the meantime, I hope you enjoy this new article. I welcome your comments or feedback on it.


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Steve Dion

Founder & CEO

Steve has dedicated his career to understanding and improving organizational cultures through the creation and deployment of innovative assessment, leadership, and team development programs. He is a regular contributor to CEOWORLD magazine, Chief Executive,, and HRCI’s HR Leads Business Blog. Steve and his Dion Leadership colleagues are currently working on the development of a new series of training products that support work-life alignment. 

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