Exercising Influence

This program explores different influencing styles that allow leaders to make connections, gain buy-in and support, promote ideas, maximize opportunities for collaboration and cooperation, and get results. Learners can use the Influence Style Indicator assessment to determine which of these styles is most dominant for them, which are preferred, and which are underutilized, all of which is summarized in a personalized feedback report. These insights are then applied to an action plan that brings learning to real-world situations. 

Learners Will:

  • Explore two primary influence orientations and five unique influencing styles 
  • Identify primary and secondary circles of influence 
  • Examine the roles of trust and credibility in exercising influence 
  • Understand individual strengths and challenges for exercising influence 
  • Learn strategies for applying the range of influencing styles as situationally appropriate 

Why This Matters:

The ability to influence others is an essential skill for both established and emerging leaders in the workplace. Relationships increasingly rely not on reporting relationships but on collaboration and cooperation that is cross-functional or matrix-based. In these situations, the ability to influence others is a differentiator. 


Influence Style Indicator (optional)


Delivery Options:

In-Person: Half day

Live-Online: Two 2-hour instructor-led sessions plus self-paced prework


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