I was intrigued by Brené Brown’s recent interview with Scott Sonenshein discussing the findings in his book Stretch: Unlock the Power of Less – and Achieve More Than You Ever Imagined. It prompted me to write an article integrating his findings with our client experiences. The result was just published by CEOWorld Magazine titled “It’s Time to Stretch: Use the Scarcity Created by COVID-19 to Your Advantage.”
Here’s the backstory. Over the past few months, we have been working with several clients facing budget cuts, reduced workforces, and disrupted supply chains because of the economic downturn brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Coaching them to be more resilient as they grapple with scarcity in many aspects of their business and personal lives, with no end in sight, has provide me a new perspective. I wrote this article to highlight how crucial it is that we fight the urge to be discouraged by this situation. Instead, we must adopt a stretching mindset, looking anew at the resources we already have.
This point of view will enable us to be more creative and resourceful, providing motivation and a challenge to achieve regardless of the circumstance.
I hope you enjoy the article. Please reach out if you have any comments or feedback on it. Also, if you are ready to get started developing a stretching mindset, please check out this interactive worksheet with additional tips and space for you to start a plan.