
Changing Organizational Culture

A Call to Action


1 minute read

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As we turn our attention to 2021, we can’t overlook or underestimate the profound and lasting impact this tumultuous year has had on organizational culture. The COVID pandemic, along with accompanying work-from-home arrangements, policy changes, and fresh displays of executive empathy, has brought a new set of shared values, beliefs, and behavioral norms to the global workforce. This life-altering year couldn’t help but impact, for better or worse, how employees view their employers.

It was our frontline leaders who were charged with uncovering, understanding, and responding to the novel needs that surfaced during this tidal wave of change and uncertainty. If that wasn’t enough to precipitate a cultural transformation, layer on an explosive societal focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion, a precarious global landscape, and intense economic pressures. Combined, these influences are profoundly changing organizational cultures around the globe.

Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, our organizational cultures are undergoing a metamorphosis.

This realization prompted me to write this blog post, which was just published by Culture University, a leading online publication focused on positively impacting society on a global scale through culture awareness, education, and action. If the topic of culture interests you, please check out the article. You will find a simple overview of organizational culture as well as some practical ideas to help you make sustainable culture change in your organization.

The genie is out of the bottle, as the expression goes. To emerge strong, focused, and ready for our post-pandemic future, senior leaders and HR professionals must resource and plan for an intentional approach to changing organizational culture in 2021 and beyond.

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Steve Dion

Founder & CEO

Steve has dedicated his career to understanding and improving organizational cultures through the creation and deployment of innovative assessment, leadership, and team development programs.

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