
Equipping Learners for Today’s Challenges

The Most Important Management Training and Leadership Development Courses for 2023


5 minute read


I always enjoy the routines of fall: watching the leaves change, replacing the now-straggly annuals I planted in the spring with full and colorful mums, ordering pumpkin-spice everything . . . and revising the Dion Leadership course catalog.

Our annual catalog is not just a tidy record of our programs and classes. It captures our learner interactions and client experiences throughout the previous year, as well as larger trends impacting today’s workers and leaders. All of this informs our decisions about which fresh, new courses to add and which to sunset; how we design and present our leadership development programs; and what delivery modes will best meet learner needs.

Although most end-of-year lists aren’t released until December, we’ve already compiled a few that we’d like to share as we get ready to release our 2023 catalog.


The following courses from our extensive curriculum were the most in demand this year:

    1. Emotional Intelligence
    2. Admired Leaders
    3. Self-awareness workshops (Everything DiSC Management, Everything DiSC Productive Conflict, and The Work of Leaders)
    4. Effective Feedback
    5. Accountability at Work
    6. Teams and Trust
    7. Change Leadership


Our leadership curriculum can be designed in many different ways. In 2022, the following approaches were trending:

    1. Cohort-based programs
    2. Group coaching as an alternative approach to leadership learning
    3. Shorter, 90-minute workshops on narrow topics
    4. Virtual and blended programs for global organizations and companies with multiple U.S. offices to create networks across functions and locations


Some learners returned to the office in 2022, some stayed remote, some did both, and we were happy to accommodate them all. The following insights were revealed this year:

    1. The virtual, instructor-led method of delivery remains the most popular.
    2. More leadership programs use both in-person and virtual delivery, with in-person sessions bookending the program and virtual sessions in between.
    3. Full virtual delivery of team development workshops, including DiSC workshops, is increasingly common.


What learning topics will be important in 2023? Our catalog will include these new courses, in addition to our already robust curriculum:

  • Creating Work-Life Alignment
  • Listening Intelligence for Leaders and Teams (LIFT)
  • Managing Safety Self-Awareness
  • Strategic Planning
  • Strategic Thinking
  • “Knowledge in 90” series

We’re excited to continue meeting the learning needs of leaders and organizations in 2023 and beyond.

Dion Leadership-Terri S

Terri Schell

Practice Leader, Learning & Development

Terri is passionate about leading a team that develops new, engaging learning content. She works with clients to develop large-scale group development programs that combine multi-modality learning. She supports our facilitators and clients as they prepare for and deliver high quality learning events. Terri recently led the development team for a new e-learning course that supports work-life alignment.

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